Thursday, February 3, 2011


AKA: Ear tubes surgery. Yesterday Sadie underwent this fairly common procedure for kiddos her age. We had to arrive bright and early at the Surgery center by 6:10 am. Considering that we had to get her out of bed at 5:30 am (2 hours before her normal wake up time!) she was in a very sweet energetic mood. She enjoyed looking at the fish in the waiting room and playing in surgery prep area. She was so cute in her little hospital gown! When the nurse came and got her she was still happy, even though I was so anxious! After what felt like hours, even though it was only 15 minutes, the doctor came out and told us everything went well! Sadie had the typical reaction to anesthesia that most small children have which is inconsolable crying for about 45 minutes. After she stopped crying and slept for about an hour and half she was in a great mood and did very well for the rest of the day considering she had surgery and her whole schedule was off. We are so grateful for all of you who were praying for Sadie! The Lord answered all of our prayers and Sadie is doing great! Here are a couple pictures I snapped of her in her cute little gown :)

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